Mushroom Chocolate Energy Bars
Energy Boosting +
Featuring reishi and cordyceps mushrooms that support immune function, too!
Looking for a tasty, healthy snack that will help support your energy levels? We got you! This recipe comes together in about 20 minutes and makes 12 bars—almost two weeks worth of delicious, daily fuel. The bars are packed with protein, fiber, healthy fats and the energy and brain-boosting power of our Mushroom Chocolate mix.
ALKAME CO Mushroom Chocolate is made from a blend of organic cacao and organic, USA grown reishi and cordyceps mushrooms that support energy levels and focus without giving you the jitters or depleting your adrenals the way coffee can. In fact, these mushrooms support healthy adrenal function (plus do lots of other amazing things like support immune function!).
1/4 C + 1 Tbsp maple syrup
2 Tbsp ground flax meal
1/2 C raw pumpkin seeds
1/2 C raw sunflower seeds
1/2 C roasted, salted peanuts
1 C rolled oats
1/2 C ALKAME CO Mushroom Chocolate
1/2 C smooth peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla
3 Tbsp melted cacao butter (may be replaced with coconut oil or grass fed butter--the resulting bars will be a little bit softer if made with coconut oil)
1/2 tsp salt
Optional chocolate layer:
1 C dark chocolate chips
2 Tbsp coconut oil
1) Combine maple syrup and ground flax, mix well and let sit for 15 minutes.
2) Pulse nuts and seeds in food processor for (6-8) 2 second intervals.
3) Add oats to food processor and pulse briefly (another 5 seconds or so). Then add Mushroom Chocolate powder and give a quick pulse.
4) Combine peanut butter, vanilla, melted cocoa butter and salt, then add add maple/flax mixture and mix well. Add nut/oat mixture and Mushroom Chocolate then mix until fully incorporated--it's easiest to do this with your (clean!) hands.
5) Press into parchment lined 8x8 or 9x6 pan and pop into the freezer for 15 minutes.
6) Melt the chocolate chips and coconut oil together in a double boiler (if you don't have one, make your own by placing a metal bowl on top of a small sauce pan filled with an inch of simmering water). Remove from heat and place in fridge, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.
7) Pour chocolate mixture over pan of bars, tilting to spread the chocolate evenly. Place back in freezer for about 10 minutes until the chocolate mixture has setup but isn't frozen solid. Then, cut into 12 pieces. Store in tupperware container in the fridge. Will last several weeks in the fridge.