Home In The Heart - LIMITED BATCH

Home In The Heart - LIMITED BATCH


An elixir to help you feel safe, settled, calm and at home in your heart. Not the traditional v day approach. But to me, this holiday is all about centering the heart so that it may blossom--and not just in romance. Most of our spirits could use extra support in this moment. This elixir is here to help buoy, comfort, ground and protect your tender hearts so that you can keep showing up to the important work of these times.

Featuring a blend of calming and heart-centering herbs like rose, milky oats, lavender, vanilla and mugwort. Plus rose thorn flower essence to help protect your heart and uphold boundaries while you do deep healing work. This elixir is a mix of traditional tincture and infused honey, making it delicious to imbibe.

$5 of each bottle sold will be donated to Outright Vermont to support the LGBTQ+ youth in our community.

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Ingredients: Milky oats, rose, mugwort, lavender, burdock, vanilla, rose thorn flower essence. In a base of cane alcohol, raw VT honey and vegetable glycerin.

Serving Size: 3 droppers full

Servings Per Container: 12